Sub domain açıcı shell Sub domain açıcı shell Sub domain açıcı shell Sub domain açıcı shell - Scorpiol

Sub domain açıcı shell

Sub domain açıcı shell



# cPanel Subdomains Creator 1.1


# Visit



# Can be used in 3 ways:

# 1. just open script in browser and fill the form

# 2. pass all info via url and form will not appear

# Sample: cpanel_subdomains.php?cpaneluser=USER&cpanelpass=PASSWORD&domain=DOMAIN&subdomain=SUBDOMAIN

# 3. list subdomains in file. In this case you must provide all the defaults below


# Note: you can omit any parameter, except "subdomain".

# When omitted, default value specified below will be taken


// cpanel user


// cpanel password


// name of the subdomains list file.

// file format may be 1 column or 2 columns divided with semicilon (;)

// Example for two columns:

//   rootdomain1;subdomain1

//   rootdomain1;subdomain2

// Example for one columns:

//   subdomain1

//   subdomain2


// cPanel skin (mainly "x")

// Check

// to know it for sure


// Default domain (subdomains will be created for this domain)

// Will be used if not passed via parameter and not set in subdomains file


/////////////// END OF INITIAL SETTINGS ////////////////////////


function getVar($name, $def = '') {

  if (isset($_REQUEST[$name]) && ($_REQUEST[$name] != ''))

    return $_REQUEST[$name];


    return $def;


$cpaneluser=getVar('cpaneluser', CPANELUSER);

$cpanelpass=getVar('cpanelpass', CPANELPASS);

$cpanel_skin = getVar('cpanelskin', CPANEL_SKIN);

if (isset($_REQUEST["subdomain"])) {

  // get parameters passed via URL or form, emulate string from file

  $doms = array( getVar('domain', DOMAIN) . ";" . $_REQUEST["subdomain"]);

  if (getVar('domain', DOMAIN) == '') die("You must specify domain name");


else {

  // open file with domains list

  $doms = @file(INPUT_FILE);

  if (!$doms) {

    // file does not exist, show input form

    echo "

Cannot find input file with subdomains information. It is ok if you are not creating subdomains from file.<br>

Tip: leave field empty to use default value you have specified in the script's code.<br>

<form method='post'>

 Subdomain:<input name='subdomain'><br>

 Domain:<input name='domain'><br>

 cPanel User:<input name='cpaneluser'><br>

 cPanel Password:<input name='cpanelpass'><br>

 cPanel Skin:<input name='cpanelskin'><br>

 <input type='submit' value='Create Subdomain' style='border:1px solid black'>





// create subdomain

function subd($host,$port,$ownername,$passw,$request) {

  $sock = fsockopen('localhost',2082);

  if(!$sock) {

    print('Socket error');



  $authstr = "$ownername:$passw";

  $pass = base64_encode($authstr);

  $in = "GET $request\r\n";

  $in .= "HTTP/1.0\r\n";

  $in .= "Host:$host\r\n";

  $in .= "Authorization: Basic $pass\r\n";

  $in .= "\r\n";

  fputs($sock, $in);

  while (!feof($sock)) {

    $result .= fgets ($sock,128);


  fclose( $sock );

  return $result;


foreach($doms as $dom) {

  $lines = explode(';',$dom);

  if (count($lines) == 2) {

    // domain and subdomain passed

    $domain = trim($lines[0]);

    $subd = trim($lines[1]);


  else {

    // only subdomain passed

    $domain = getVar('domain', DOMAIN);

    $subd = trim($lines[0]);


  // http://[domainhere]:2082/frontend/x/subdomain/doadddomain.html?domain=[subdomain here]&rootdomain=[domain here]

  $request = "/frontend/$cpanel_skin/subdomain/doadddomain.html?rootdomain=$domain&domain=$subd";

  $result = subd('localhost',2082,$cpaneluser,$cpanelpass,$request);

  $show = strip_tags($result);

  echo $show;



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